Love your Lash Business: Our Pro Tips for Staying Motivated and Setting Yourself up for Success


Love Your Lash Business: Our Pro Tips for Staying Motivated and Setting Yourself up for Success

For many people, owning a lash business or working as a professional lash stylist often feels like a dream career. After all, who doesn’t love getting to work hands on with amazing clients every day, helping them look beautiful and feel more confident?


However, no matter how much you love your work, there are times when it may feel more challenging, or less than perfect. When this happens, it’s natural to feel discouraged but it doesn’t have to mean getting stuck in a rut.


If you’ve ever struggled with motivation as a lash artist, you’re going to want to keep reading. We’re here to help and have compiled some of our top strategies for loving what you do for the long haul. Here are a few of our favorite tips:

Tip #1: Continue to seek out continuing education

Perhaps one of the best things about pursuing a career in beauty, is that the industry is forever evolving and innovating. The opportunities to uplevel your expertise or get up to speed on new trends are endless, and a great way to stay passionate. Whether it’s attending a trade show, signing up for a refresher course, or learning something new altogether, these types of investments in your education can go a long way to keep you moving forward and growing in your business.

Tip #2: Stay connected with other industry peers
Although working as a hands-on practitioner can feel quite fast-paced and fulfilling, the truth is that sometimes it can also be a bit isolating. To help balance out those long hours of quiet time in the treatment room, it’s important to seek out a support system of other professionals who understand your challenges. For example, you might consider joining an online networking group, or scheduling regular coffee dates with fellow friends in the beauty business.


Tip #3: Prevent burnout with healthy boundaries
As service providers, going the extra mile is something that comes naturally to most beauty professionals. However, this can also make it easy to overextend yourself and end up exhausted by a job that once made you feel energized. For this reason we recommend setting mindful boundaries (and sticking to them!) when it comes to things like compensation, scheduling, and enforcing business policies with your clients.


Tip #4: Celebrate even the smallest wins

If you’re someone who is all about those five and ten year plans, there’s nothing wrong with having long-term goals. Just be sure to also appreciate the day-to-day victories that you encounter along the way. By taking a moment to acknowledge how far you’ve come, and reward yourself for every bit of progress, you’ll be better able to sustain your pace and enjoy your hard-earned success.

Tip #5: Don’t forget to make time for self care

Of course, as your friends in the lash business, we’d be remiss if we didn’t take this opportunity to remind you to keep on top of self care! Habits like eating well, getting enough sleep, stretching, and allowing yourself time to recharge between clients are essential to staying fueled and fired up about your business.


Additionally, we recommend treating yourself whenever possible by indulging in activities you enjoy. Whether it’s a monthly massage, a daily dance break, or a weekend off with loved ones, don’t forget to do the things that make you happy. You deserve it!

Be sure to checkout our podcast Lash Queen Radio with our host Cameryn Love detailing other ways to stay uplifted and motivated as a lash professional. Available anywhere you listen to podcasts!



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